Caring for Crassula ovata 'Gollum'


The Gollum Jade grows best in chunky, well drained soil. You can buy premixed soil specifically for succulents and cacti or making your own soil mix is an option. To make your own soil mix combine potting mix, perlite, and rocks or sand.


It is important to let this plant dry out completely in-between waterings. When you do water, make sure it is thorough. Jade plants are designed to be drought resistant so typically you cant under water them. However, A common sign that you are underwatering your plant is that the leaves will shrink up and wrinkle. The more common problem is over watering. If this happens, your plant may become droopy looking. If the problem becomes severe, your Gollum may turn yellow or brown and have a mushy feel to them. 


Bright and direct sunlight is optimal for this plant. The Gollum Jade will display its bright red tips best when under optimal light conditions. Four to six hours of light should be sufficient each day. They will survive in less light, but will most likely be dormant and not grow to their full potential. 


As long as you keep your Gollum inside, you should have no problems with temperature. They have a wide tolerance range of 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Plant injury is likely if the plant reaches freezing temperatures. Also. if the plant is in heat conditions above 80 degrees then the Gollum Jade could go into dormancy.


Since the plant goes dormant in Winter, it is best to only fertilize in Spring and Summer. If your plant is in summer conditions above 80 degrees Fahrenheit and goes dormant than you can skip feeding. Fertilizing can be done about every two months with a half diluted mix. 


One great thing about Gollum Jades is that you can propagate them from both cuttings and leaves. An important thing to remember for both methods is that you need to let the piece dry out and callus over first. If you don't allow the plant to callus first, they may absorb too much water and rot. If propagating from the leaf, make sure you have the whole leaf down to the base. It is helpful to use a rooting hormone as this will lead to more success. Once you dip the leaf in the hormone, lay on top of a bed of slightly damp soil. You can dampen the soil by using a spray bottle. Only spray soil again when it has fully dried out. Eventually roots and baby leaves will sprout. Once they grow to a couple inches, you can move to a normal pot and care for as usual. 

If propagating from a cutting, it is also helpful to use root hormone as well. After drying out and then adding the hormone, you will plant the cutting into the soil rather than just laying on top. Keep the propagate in a warm area with bright indirect light. Make sure to water once the soil dries out completely. 


The Gollum Jade is considered toxic to both pets and people. The sap can cause skin irritation and if the plant is consumed, it can cause digestive issues. 

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a professional botanist. Plants are a hobby of mine and what I post is for fun. Most information is from my own experiences or my own opinion. I also read other peoples articles to help support my opinions. The articles I used for this page are listed below.

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