Trials and Errors

All my oopsies so you can have the daisies

Plant: Inchplant Tradescantia zebrina

Problem: Leaf rot

Treatment: If affected area is small and the disease has not spread, trimming infected leaves is the best course of action. If the leaf rot has spread to a large portion of the plant, a fungicide is recommended. You can either make your own homemade fungicide or purchase one. A natural fungicide like Neem Oil is always recommended over a chemical solution; however, natural fungicides may not be able to handle severe disease. 

Plant: Zebra plant Haworthiopsis fasciata

Problem: Insufficient sunlight and lack of water

Treatment: The roots have been damaged from underwatering and will have more difficulty absorbing water from the soil. While nurturing the roots back to full health, keep the plant in low light. Water plant when the top of the soil feels about dry. Use a soaking method if your plant has proper drainage holes. The soaking method is when you take the whole plant and fully submerge in water to allow the soil to absorb all the water. Once the roots become healthy again, you can resume normal watering and plant can be moved to another location with adequate lighting. You should move the plant gradually into more and more lighting as to not shock the plant and cause more damage. If symptoms persist then a full root clean and soil sanitation will need to be done. 

Plant: Money tree or Guinea peanut Pachira glabra

Problem: Inadequate water 

Treatment: Leaves that curl in are a typical indicator of needing more water. There are two possible reasons the money tree is not receiving adequate water. The first is simply that you are not watering the plant as you should be. The second reason is that the roots are damage and thus not absorbing water sufficiently. You should check the base of the trunk for any soft or mushy sections of the trunk. If you find sections like this, it is a clear indicator of root rot. This will require repotting and new soil. Once you have exposed the roots, rinse with warm water to see the roots clearly. Any damaged roots should be pruned away. If only one trunk is affected in the braid, then untangle the roots and unbraid the one trunk from the others before repotting. 


Plant: Amazonian Elephant Ear Alocasia mortfontanensis

Problem: Low humidity 

Treatment: Easy fix; just increase humidity levels. One way to do this is by putting the plant in another room that has a higher humidity level such as the kitchen or bathroom. You could also buy a humidifier and set accordingly. For a short term fix you could set up an evaporation tray and surround the plant with  as many other plants as you can. This will increase the temperature and cause evaporation; thus a higher humidity. This is a short term fix though because Elephant Ear plants do not like to be overcrowded and will need more space.  

Plant: Mass Cane Dracaena fragrans

Problem: Brown spot 

Treatment: First try pruning away the infected leaves. If brown spots persist than use a fungicide. It is important to clean up any affected leaves as to prevent the disease from spreading to other plants. Sanitation of your pruning tools is also crucial when dealing with brown spot. 


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